Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Inc

Organization Overview

Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Inc is located in Ketchikan, AK. The organization was established in 1984. According to its NTEE Classification (S30) the organization is classified as: Economic Development, under the broad grouping of Community Improvement & Capacity Building and related organizations. As of 12/2022, Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Inc employed 8 individuals. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Inc is a 501(c)(6) and as such, is described as a "Business League, Chambers of Commerce, or Real Estate Board" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2022, Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Inc generated $814.9k in total revenue. This represents a relatively dramatic decline in revenue. Over the past 8 years, the organization has seen revenues fall by an average of (3.3%) each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $804.0k during the year ending 12/2022. As we would expect to see with falling revenues, expenses have declined by (3.9%) per year over the past 8 years. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

Mission & Program ActivityExcerpts From the 990 Filing



Describe the Organization's Mission:

Part 3 - Line 1


Describe the Organization's Program Activity:

Part 3 - Line 4a


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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Joe Williams Jr
Stephen Bradford
Jai Mahtani
2nd Vice-Cha
Linda Peters
Shauna Lee
Past Chair

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Federated campaigns$0
Membership dues$74,807
Fundraising events$0
Related organizations$0
Government grants $530,310
All other contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not included above$0
Noncash contributions included in lines 1a–1f $0
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$605,117
Total Program Service Revenue$202,543
Investment income $517
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Net Rental Income $0
Net Gain/Loss on Asset Sales $0
Net Income from Fundraising Events $0
Net Income from Gaming Activities $6,676
Net Income from Sales of Inventory $0
Miscellaneous Revenue$0
Total Revenue $814,853

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
Anchorage, AK
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation
Dillingham, AK
South Central Workforce Development Council
Union Gap, WA
Spokane Area Workforce Development Council
Spokane, WA
Visit Spokane
Spokane, WA
Angels For Angels
Seattle, WA
Spruce Root Inc
Juneau, AK
Koyuk Native Store
Koyuk, AK
Yakima Valley Visitors & Convention Bureau Inc
Yakima, WA
Greater Seattle Partners
Seattle, WA
Economic Alliance Snohomish County
Everett, WA
Juneau Economic Development Council
Juneau, AK
The Alliance For Pioneer Square
Seattle, WA
Juneau Convention And Visitors Bureau Inc
Juneau, AK
Bering Sea Fishermens Association
Anchorage, AK
Pierce County Community Development Corporation
Tacoma, WA
Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism
Bellingham, WA
Center For Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Seattle, WA
Anchorage Downtown Partnership Ltd
Anchorage, AK
Downtown Bellingham Association
Bellingham, WA
Transportation Choices Coalition
Seattle, WA
Alaska Cabaret Hotel Restaurant & Retailers Association
Anchorage, AK
Columbia River Economic Development Council
Vancouver, WA
Washington Economic Development Association
Seattle, WA
Ancsa Regional Association
Anchorage, AK

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