Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners

Organization Overview

Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners is located in Carpinteria, CA. The organization was established in 2012. According to its NTEE Classification (D02) the organization is classified as: Management & Technical Assistance, under the broad grouping of Animal-Related and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2023, Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners generated $105.6k in total revenue. The organization has seen a slow decline revenue. Over the past 2 years, revenues have fallen by an average of (0.9%) each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $93.7k during the year ending 12/2023. As we would expect to see with falling revenues, expenses have declined by (10.9%) per year over the past 2 years. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Jennifer Reinke
Member At La
Jeannean Mercuri
Member At La
Miranda Fior
Member At La
Maia Chaput
Member At La
Leslie Carrig
Dean Of Stud
Kathleen Ladenecker
Director Of

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$27,240
Total Program Service Revenue$77,954
Membership dues$0
Investment income $0
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$0
Other Revenue$0
Total Revenue$105,636

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
World Pet Association Inc
Riverside, CA
Xerces Society Inc
Portland, OR
Santa Fe Animal Shelter Inc
Santa Fe, NM
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation
Honolulu, HI
The Freshwater Trust
Portland, OR
Idaho Humane Society Inc
Boise, ID
Reid Park Zoological Society
Tucson, AZ
American College Of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Englewood, CO
Humane Society Of Utah
Murray, UT
Wild Salmon Center
Portland, OR
Fresno Humane Animal Services
Fresno, CA
Tacoma-Pierce County Humane Society & Scty Prevention Cruelty Animals
Tacoma, WA
Tony Larussas Animal Rescue Foundation
Walnut Creek, CA
Los Angeles S P C A
Los Angeles, CA
Bubye Valley Conservation Research
Pleasanton, CA
Animal Samaritans
Thousand Palms, CA
Rocky Mountain Butterfly Consortium
Westminster, CO
Humane Society Of Southern Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Community Animal Medicine Project
San Pedro, CA
Hope For Paws
Studio City, CA
Vancouver Humane Society & Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To A
Vancouver, WA
Dedication And Everlasting Love To Animals
Glendale, CA
California Deer Association
Redding, CA
Nevada Humane Society Inc
Reno, NV
Progressive Animal Welfare Society Inc
Lynnwood, WA

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