Entertainment Publicists Professional Society

Organization Overview

Entertainment Publicists Professional Society is located in Los Angeles, CA. The organization was established in 1993. According to its NTEE Classification (A03) the organization is classified as: Professional Societies & Associations, under the broad grouping of Arts, Culture & Humanities and related organizations.

For the year ending 12/2016, Entertainment Publicists Professional Society generated $14.2k in total revenue. This represents relatively stable growth, over the past 2 years the organization has increased revenue by an average of 9.7% each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $9.3k during the year ending 12/2016. While expenses have increased by 15.1% per year over the past 2 years. They've been increasing with an increasing level of total revenue. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Rick Markovitz
Henri Bollinger
Vice President I
Scott Pansky
Vice President Ii
Sue Procko Boxer
Acting Secretary
Sue Procko Boxer

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$0
Total Program Service Revenue$0
Membership dues$14,224
Investment income $0
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$0
Other Revenue$0
Total Revenue$14,224

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
National Association Of Television Program Executives Inc
Studio City, CA
Peter Britt Gardens Music And Arts Festival Association
Medford, OR
California Cable & Telecommunications
Sacramento, CA
Printing Industries Association Inc
Los Angeles, CA
Aia San Francisco A Chapter Of The American Institute Of Architects
San Francisco, CA
Robert C Maynard Institute For Journalism Education
Oakland, CA
California Newspaper Publishers Association Inc
Sacramento, CA
Central Arts Alliance
Phoenix, AZ
American Institute Of Architects Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles, CA
Carden Portland Education Institute Inc
Hillsboro, OR
Aia Oregon
Portland, OR
Western Alliance Of Arts Adminstrators Foundations
Portland, OR
California Bicycle Coalition Education Fund
Sacramento, CA
Global Academy Of Science And Arts
Mountain View, CA
Aia Arizona The American Institute Of Architects
Phoenix, AZ
California Association Of Museums
Alpine, CA
Society Composers And Lyricists Inc
Beverly Hills, CA
Aia Honolulu
Honolulu, HI
California Choral Directors Association
La Habra, CA
Association Of California Symphony Orchestras
Los Angeles, CA
American Institute Of Architects San Diego Chapter
San Diego, CA
American Institute Of Architects
Newport Beach, CA
Arizona Music Educators Association Inc
Tucson, AZ
Comedy Gives Back
Venice, CA
American Literary Translators Assn
Tucson, AZ

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