Mas Ass Acres Sanctuary

Organization Overview

Mas Ass Acres Sanctuary is located in Sequim, WA. The organization was established in 2019. According to its NTEE Classification (D11) the organization is classified as: Single Organization Support, under the broad grouping of Animal-Related and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Mas Ass Acres Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2023, Mas Ass Acres Sanctuary generated $279.3k in total revenue. This represents a relatively dramatic decline in revenue. Over the past 5 years, the organization has seen revenues fall by an average of (25.0%) each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $445.9k during the year ending 12/2023. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

Mission & Program ActivityExcerpts From the 990PF Filing



Describe the Organization's Program Activity:

Part 3 - Line 4a


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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Samuel R Kyle
Patricia J Kyle
John Houlihan

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar $217,759
Interest on Savings $23
Dividends & Interest $60,508
Net Rental Income$0
Net Gain on Sale of Assets $981
Capital Gain Net Income $981
Net ST Capital Gain $0
Income Modifications $0
Profit on Inventory Sales $0
Other Income $0
Total Revenue $279,271

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Seattle Aquarium Society-Seas
Seattle, WA
Oregon Zoo Foundation
Portland, OR
Seward Association For The Advancement Of Marine Science
Seward, AK
Xerces Society Inc
Portland, OR
Idaho Zoological Society
Boise, ID
Point Defiance Zoological Society
Tacoma, WA
Asher House
Estacada, OR
Foundation For Veterinary Dentistry
Meridian, ID
Tautphaus Park Zoological Society Inc
Idaho Falls, ID
Friends Of The Animal Shelter
Ashland, OR
Mas Ass Acres Sanctuary
Sequim, WA
Fairbanks Animal Shelter Fund
Fairbanks, AK
Friends Of The Issaquah Salmon Hatchery
Issaquah, WA
The Irish Setter Club Of America Foundation Inc
Eugene, OR
Norton Bay Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
Fritz Creek, AK
Friends Of Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Olympia, WA
Scraps Hope Foundation
Spokane, WA
Friends Of The Willamette Valleynational Wildlife Refuge Complex
Corvallis, OR
Shorebased Whiting Cooperative
Seattle, WA
Eagle River Lions Foundation
Eagle River, AK
Friends Of The Valdez Animal Shelter
Valdez, AK
Friends Of Mexican Animal Welfare
Bothell, WA
Oregon Eagle Foundation Inc
Philomath, OR
Scwtca Endowment Inc
Bellevue, WA
Friends Of Mcneil River
Anchorage, AK

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