Kimberly Booster Club Inc

Organization Overview

Kimberly Booster Club Inc is located in Kimberly, ID. The organization was established in 2012. According to its NTEE Classification (B19) the organization is classified as: Support N.E.C., under the broad grouping of Education and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Kimberly Booster Club Inc is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 06/2024, Kimberly Booster Club Inc generated $97.1k in total revenue. This organization has experienced exceptional growth, as over the past 3 years, it has increased revenue by an average of 26.4% each year . All expenses for the organization totaled $39.8k during the year ending 06/2024. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Emily Rasmussen
Past Preside
Danae Klimes
Danielle Young

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$0
Total Program Service Revenue$0
Membership dues$0
Investment income $0
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$97,107
Other Revenue$0
Total Revenue$97,107

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Washington Software Association
Issaquah, WA
Educational Policy Improvement Center
Eugene, OR
Silvies River Charter School
Crane, OR
Montana State University Book Store Inc
Bozeman, MT
Oregon Translational Research Anddrug Development Institute
Portland, OR
Wea Fourth Corner
Bellingham, WA
Wea Midstate
Yakima, WA
Para Los Ninos De Highline
Burien, WA
Wea-Eastern Washington
Spokane, WA
Association Of Idaho Cities
Boise, ID
Washington State Association Of Hea D Start And Ecea Programs
Kirkland, WA
National Charter Collaborative
Seattle, WA
School Services Of Montana
Bozeman, MT
Ugm Of Salem Support Corporation
Salem, OR
Manzana Foundation
Yakima, WA
Guadalupe Holding Company
Salt Lake City, UT
Citizens For Safe Schools
Klamath Falls, OR
Renton Schools Foundation
Renton, WA
Franklin Force Foundation
Bellingham, WA
Friends Of Outdoor School
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Education Support Employees Association Of Clark County
Las Vegas, NV
Academy Of Operative Dentistry Inc
Seattle, WA
Benton-Franklin Support Network
Kennewick, WA
Ahs Qalicb Inc
Portland, OR

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