Ecosikh Incorporated

Organization Overview

Ecosikh Incorporated is located in Silver Spring, MD. The organization was established in 2012. According to its NTEE Classification (C35) the organization is classified as: Energy Resources Conservation & Development, under the broad grouping of Environment and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Ecosikh Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2022, Ecosikh Incorporated generated $44.7k in total revenue. This represents a relatively dramatic decline in revenue. Over the past 8 years, the organization has seen revenues fall by an average of (9.6%) each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $46.0k during the year ending 12/2022. As we would expect to see with falling revenues, expenses have declined by (6.1%) per year over the past 8 years. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Dr Rajwant Singh
Gunpreet Singh
Vice President
Bhavdeep Bajaj

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$44,704
Total Program Service Revenue$0
Membership dues$0
Investment income $0
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$0
Other Revenue$0
Total Revenue$44,704

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
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Washington, DC
Groundswell Inc
Washington, DC
Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions Inc
Washington, DC
Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute
Washington, DC
Energy Systems Integration Group Inc
Reston, VA
Home Performance Coalition Inc
Pittsburgh, PA
Energy For Growth Hub
Washington, DC
Montgomery County Green Bank Corp
Rockville, MD
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Takoma Park, MD
Local Energy Alliance Program Inc
Charlottesville, VA
Coalition For Green Capital
Washington, DC
Beneficial Electrification League
Arlington, VA
Clean Energy Works
Washington, DC
Fuel Cell And Hydrogen Energy Association Inc
Washington, DC
Americans For A Clean Energy Grid
Arlington, VA
International Institute For Energy Conservation Inc
Breinigsville, PA
Energy Innovation Reform Project
Fairfax, VA
Fusion Industry Association
Washington, DC
Community Climate Collaborative Inc
Charlottesville, VA
Green Infrastructure Center Inc
Charlottesville, VA
Marec Action
Camden, DE

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