Wareham Lake Shores & Improvement Association Inc

Organization Overview

Wareham Lake Shores & Improvement Association Inc is located in East Wareham, MA. The organization was established in 1985. According to its NTEE Classification (C03) the organization is classified as: Professional Societies & Associations, under the broad grouping of Environment and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Wareham Lake Shores & Improvement Association Inc is a 501(c)(7) and as such, is described as a "Social and Recreational Club" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2023, Wareham Lake Shores & Improvement Association Inc generated $24.2k in total revenue. This represents relatively stable growth, over the past 9 years the organization has increased revenue by an average of 2.1% each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $11.2k during the year ending 12/2023. While expenses have increased by 4.6% per year over the past 9 years. They've been increasing with an increasing level of total revenue. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Yvonne Kinsman
Marcia Joseph
Michael Morse
Pam Smith-Paquette
Marguerite Kelley
Matthew Shannon

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$0
Total Program Service Revenue$24,244
Membership dues$0
Investment income $0
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$0
Other Revenue$0
Total Revenue$24,244

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Northeast States For Coordinated Air Use Management Inc
Boston, MA
Creo Family Office Syndicate
New York, NY
Massachusetts Horticultural Society
Wellesley, MA
New England Water Environment Assoc
Woburn, MA
The Crane Institute Of Sustainability Inc
ManchesterByTheSea, MA
New York State Land Title Assn
New York, NY
Lake Waubeeka Assoc Inc
Danbury, CT
New York State Association Of Professional Land Surveyors Inc
Albany, NY
Renew Northeast Inc
Madison, CT
Environmental Business Council Inc
Needham, MA
Massachusetts Association Of Conservation Districts
Westford, MA
Controlled Environment Testing Association
Albany, NY
Seneca Lake Winery Association Inc
Watkins Glen, NY
Massachusetts Association Of Conse Rvation Commission Inc
Belmont, MA
Westport Womans Club Inc
Westport, CT
International Molded Pulp Environmental Packaging Assoc
Springfield, MA
Shelter Harbor Assn Inc
New York, NY
Lake Winnipesaukee Association
Gilford, NH
Connecticut Power & Energy Society Inc
West Hartford, CT
New Hampshire Association Of Conservation Districts
Concord, NH
Connecticut Tree Protective Association Inc
Wallingford, CT
South Mountain Association
Pittsfield, MA
North American Association Of Synagogue Executives
New York, NY
Connecticut Association Of Land
Wethersfield, CT
Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition
Sudbury, MA

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