Seitai Shinpo Acupuncturefoundation

Organization Overview

Seitai Shinpo Acupuncturefoundation is located in Kailua Kona, HI. The organization was established in 2006. According to its NTEE Classification (W03) the organization is classified as: Professional Societies & Associations, under the broad grouping of Public & Societal Benefit and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Seitai Shinpo Acupuncturefoundation is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

Limited Data Available: This organization filed their most recent 990 in paper format. This filing methodology limits the information that can be extracted from the filing.

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