Outcats And Underdogs

Organization Overview

Outcats And Underdogs is located in Baltimore, MD. According to its NTEE Classification (D01) the organization is classified as: Alliances & Advocacy, under the broad grouping of Animal-Related and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Outcats And Underdogs is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

Limited Data Available: This organization filed their most recent 990 in paper format. This filing methodology limits the information that can be extracted from the filing.

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Peer Organizations

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American Anti-Vivisection Society
Jenkintown, PA
National Wildlife Refuge Association
Washington, DC
Animal Outlook Inc
Washington, DC
Kennel To Couch Inc
Bel Air, MD
Richmond Animal Welfare Foundation
Richmond, VA
Alternatives For Research And Development Foundation
Jenkintown, PA
The Generic Animal Drug Alliance
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Renees Rescues Incorporated
Hockessin, DE
Outcast Rescue
Catasauqua, PA
The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association Inc
Washington, DC
Smarter Health Care Coalition
Washington, DC
Animal Lifeline Pittsburgh
Jefferson Hls, PA
Kenneth C Simon And Tina M Saracino Foundation
Morgantown, PA
Key To Lions Heart Rescue Inc
Derwood, MD
Sweet Virginia Barn Cats
Clarksville, VA
Dc Voters For Animals Inc
Washington, DC
Rescue Me Wv Inc
Martinsburg, WV
Alternative Congress Trust Inc
Baltimore, MD
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Canonsburg, PA
Ocean Mammal Institute
Reading, PA

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