Janaki Balakrishnan Family Foundation

Organization Overview

Janaki Balakrishnan Family Foundation is located in Portola Valley, CA. According to its NTEE Classification (T20) the organization is classified as: Private Grantmaking Foundations, under the broad grouping of Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Janaki Balakrishnan Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Ramaswamy Balakrishnan
Aparna Balakrishnan
Karthik Balakrishnan
Samantha Balakrishnan
Trevor Illes

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar $1,548,987
Interest on Savings $0
Dividends & Interest $7,899
Net Rental Income$0
Net Gain on Sale of Assets $10,692
Capital Gain Net Income $10,692
Net ST Capital Gain $0
Income Modifications $0
Profit on Inventory Sales $0
Other Income $497
Total Revenue $1,568,075

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
1011 Foundation Inc
Santa Monica, CA
David E Reese Family Foundation
Paradise Valley, AZ
Kelson Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Arizona Sheet Metal Trade Trust Fund
Phoenix, AZ
The Milken Family Foundation
Santa Monica, CA
Bob And Dolores Hope Charitable Foundation
Burbank, CA
Winifred Stevens Foundation
Tempe, AZ
Swenson Family Foundation
Orange, CA
Robert & Ruth Halperin Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Schnitzer-Novack Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Baker Street Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Gabelli Foundation Inc
Reno, NV
Ben And Catherine Ivy Foundation
Scottsdale, AZ
Amar Foundation
San Jose, CA
The Barbara And Gerson Bakar Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Gary And Mary West Foundation
La Jolla, CA
Angell Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Edgerton Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation
Honolulu, HI
Simone Charitable Foundation Inc
Scottsdale, AZ
Antone And Marie Raymus Foundation
Manteca, CA
Goldman Environmental Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Otis Booth Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Laural Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Southern California Pipe Trades Christmas Bonus Fund
Los Angeles, CA

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