Idle Hour Country Club Inc

The information for Idle Hour Country Club Inc is as of the organization's most recent filing in December 2019. This organization is located in Lexington, KY. It has been in existence for 71 years, following its founding in 1948.

Organization Classification

The IRS classifies organizations according to the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system. The NTEE system helps the IRS assign a 3-character code to each organization to describe the organization's activities.

Idle Hour Country Club Inc's NTEE code is N50. The "N" tells us that the organization is classified along with Recreational Clubs. The "50" tells us that the organization is a Recreation & Sports organization. The NTEE describes Recreational Clubs as organizations that make available facilities for recreational activities, sports and games, social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize, and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Every organization is also governed by a specific section of the Internal Revenue Code. This organization happens to be a 501(c)(7) organization. The IRS describes these organizations as Social and Recreational Clubs.

Perhaps the most accurate way to get a sense of what the organization hopes to achieve is by looking at its mission. The mission of the Idle Hour Country Club Inc is to provide a recreational club for members to commingle.

Program Areas

Idle Hour Country Club is a recreational facility that maintains a golf course, swimming pool, tennis facility, wellness center, and dining facility for members to enjoy.

Organization Staffing

Idle Hour Country Club Inc has 225 employees, 4 of whom were paid more than $100k according to the organization's most recent 990 tax filing. Supporting the paid staff are 12 volunteers.

Board Governance

Idle Hour Country Club Inc is well-governed with 12 voting members and 12 independent members. Potential conflicts of interest do not exist, and the organization has not delegated management to an outside firm. Board meetings are documented and committee meetings are also documented. The organization has a conflict of interest policy and requires disclosure of conflicts. Unfortunately, the organization does not have a written whistleblower policy nor a document retention policy. However, Idle Hour Country Club Inc does substantiate and review leadership salary, officer's salaries, and provides copies of the 990 to the board prior to filing.

Organization Growth

Based on the available data, Idle Hour Country Club Inc has grown over the given time period. Program Service Revenue and Total Revenue both increased, as did Employee Salaries and Total Employees. Total Expenses also increased, but this is to be expected with the other increases. Investment Income decreased, but the other revenue items remained the same.

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Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Federated campaigns$0
Membership dues$0
Fundraising events$0
Related organizations$0
Government grants $0
All other contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not included above$0
Noncash contributions included in lines 1a–1f $0
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$0
Total Program Service Revenue$5,118,939
Investment income $10,864
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Net Rental Income $0
Net Gain/Loss on Asset Sales $0
Net Income from Fundraising Events $0
Net Income from Gaming Activities $0
Net Income from Sales of Inventory $1,431,003
Miscellaneous Revenue$0
Total Revenue $6,560,806

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