Bais Yaakov Of Waterbury Inc

Organization Overview

Bais Yaakov Of Waterbury Inc is located in Naugatuck, CT. The organization was established in 2016. According to its NTEE Classification (B25) the organization is classified as: Secondary & High Schools, under the broad grouping of Education and related organizations. As of 12/2022, Bais Yaakov Of Waterbury Inc employed 16 individuals. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Bais Yaakov Of Waterbury Inc is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2022, Bais Yaakov Of Waterbury Inc generated $982.0k in total revenue. This organization has experienced exceptional growth, as over the past 8 years, it has increased revenue by an average of 20.2% each year . All expenses for the organization totaled $833.9k during the year ending 12/2022. While expenses have increased by 18.3% per year over the past 8 years. They've been increasing with an increasing level of total revenue. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

Mission & Program ActivityExcerpts From the 990 Filing



Describe the Organization's Mission:

Part 3 - Line 1


Describe the Organization's Program Activity:

Part 3 - Line 4a


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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Gershom Eliezer Elefant
Board Member
Yitzchok Rabinowitz
Shimon Handelsman
Board Member
Samuel Cohen
Board Member

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Federated campaigns$0
Membership dues$0
Fundraising events$0
Related organizations$0
Government grants $3,500
All other contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not included above$549,083
Noncash contributions included in lines 1a–1f $0
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$552,583
Total Program Service Revenue$429,418
Investment income $0
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Net Rental Income $0
Net Gain/Loss on Asset Sales $0
Net Income from Fundraising Events $0
Net Income from Gaming Activities $0
Net Income from Sales of Inventory $0
Miscellaneous Revenue$0
Total Revenue $982,001

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Trustees Of Deerfield Academy
Deerfield, MA
Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Incorporated
Wallingford, CT
Hotchkiss School
Lakeville, CT
Taft School Corporation
Watertown, CT
Noble And Greenough School
Dedham, MA
Loomis Institute
Windsor, CT
Northfield Mount Hermon School
Mount Hermon, MA
Groton School
Groton, MA
Kent School Corporation
Kent, CT
Middlesex School
Concord, MA
Trustees Of Thayer Academy
Braintree, MA
Hopkins School Incorporated
New Haven, CT
Beaver Country Day School Inc
Chestnut Hill, MA
Tabor Academy
Marion, MA
Berkshire School Inc
Sheffield, MA
St Marks School Of Southborough Inc
Southborough, MA
Integration Charter Schools
Staten Island, NY
St Georges School
Newport, RI
Norwich Free Academy
Norwich, CT
Trustees Of Westminster School Inc
Simsbury, CT
Williston Northampton School
Easthampton, MA
Rivers School Corporation
Weston, MA
Miss Porters School Inc
Farmington, CT
Governor Dummer Academy
Byfield, MA
Dana Hall Schools
Wellesley, MA

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