United Latinos Of The Ufcw Incorporated

Organization Overview

United Latinos Of The Ufcw Incorporated is located in Dallas, TX. The organization was established in 2006. According to its NTEE Classification (J40) the organization is classified as: Labor Unions, under the broad grouping of Employment and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. United Latinos Of The Ufcw Incorporated is a 501(c)(5) and as such, is described as a "Labor, Agricultural, and Horticultural Organization" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2022, United Latinos Of The Ufcw Incorporated generated $249.6k in total revenue. This organization has experienced exceptional growth, as over the past 8 years, it has increased revenue by an average of 12.2% each year . All expenses for the organization totaled $310.2k during the year ending 12/2022. While expenses have increased by 19.7% per year over the past 8 years. They've been increasing with an increasing level of total revenue. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

Mission & Program ActivityExcerpts From the 990 Filing



Describe the Organization's Mission:

Part 3 - Line 1


Describe the Organization's Program Activity:

Part 3 - Line 4a


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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Rigo Valdez
Martin Rosas
Secretary Treasurer
Mary Tapia Barthel
Recording Secretary
Rena Wong
Executive Vice President
Pablo Godoy
Executive Vice President
Martin Hernandez
Sergeant At Arms

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Federated campaigns$0
Membership dues$3,605
Fundraising events$0
Related organizations$0
Government grants $0
All other contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not included above$111,305
Noncash contributions included in lines 1a–1f $0
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$114,910
Total Program Service Revenue$135,629
Investment income -$956
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Net Rental Income $0
Net Gain/Loss on Asset Sales $0
Net Income from Fundraising Events $0
Net Income from Gaming Activities $0
Net Income from Sales of Inventory $0
Miscellaneous Revenue$0
Total Revenue $249,583

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
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Martin Sprocket & Gear Inc Voluntary Employees Beneficiary
Arlington, TX
International Longshoremens Association
Webster, TX
Association Of Professional Flight Attendants
Euless, TX
Transport Workers Union Of America
Dallas, TX
West Gulf Maritime Association
Houston, TX
United Association Of Journeymen & Apprentices Of The Plumbing & Pipe
Tulsa, OK
American Paint Horse Association
Fort Worth, TX
Texas State Teachers Association
Austin, TX
Combined Law Enforcement Associations Of Texas
Austin, TX
Ila-West Gulf Maritime Association Inc Royalty Trust Fund No 2
Houston, TX
International Association Of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
Fort Worth, TX
U A P P Local 142
Richardson, TX
Transport Workers Union Of America
Dallas, TX
United Food And Commercial Workers International Union
Houston, TX
American Federation Of Teachers
Austin, TX
International Brotherhood Of Teamsters
Forest Hill, TX
United Food And Commercial Workers International Union
Dallas, TX
International Brotherhood Of Teamsters
Houston, TX
International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers
Albuquerque, NM
American Sugar Cane League Of The Usa Inc
Thibodaux, LA
United Association Of Journeymen & Apprentices Of The Plumbing & Pipe
Deer Park, TX

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