Empowering Communities And Organizations

Organization Overview

Empowering Communities And Organizations is located in Washington, DC. According to its NTEE Classification (Y02) the organization is classified as: Management & Technical Assistance, under the broad grouping of Mutual & Membership Benefit and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Empowering Communities And Organizations is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

Limited Data Available: This organization filed their most recent 990 in paper format. This filing methodology limits the information that can be extracted from the filing.

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Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Midamerican Energy Co Master Veba Trust Agreement For Nonbargaining
Pittsburgh, PA
Association Health And Welfare Veba Master Tr
Louisville, KY
Pittsburgh Building Owners Welfare Fund
Pittsburgh, PA
Pmta Ila Containerization Fund
Philadelphia, PA
Independent Care Health Benefit Tr
Garner, NC
D&h Distributing Company Employee Benefit Trust
Harrisburg, PA
Ky Assn Of Manufacturers Group Ins Tr
Frankfort, KY
Republic Retiree Veba Benefit Tr
Pittsburgh, PA
Asbestos Workers Local 24 Medical Fund
Columbia, MD
Empire-Tilden-Cleveland Cliffs Iron Michigan Central Shops Retiree
Pittsburgh, PA
North Carolina Self Insurance Guaranty Association
Raleigh, NC
Cement Masons-592 Welfare Fund
Philadelphia, PA
Destination Marketing Association International
Washington, DC
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Retiree Welfare Benefit Plan Tr
Chevy Chase, MD
Sheet Metal Workers International Assn Health & Welfare Fund
Goodlettsville, TN
Cave Hill Cemetery Company
Louisville, KY
Laborers District Council Trust Fund 2
Columbia, MD
International Union Of Operating Engineers Local 487
Sparks, MD
Iron Workers District Council Of Tenn Valley & Vicinity Welfare Pla
Goodlettsville, TN
Washington Gas Light Company Management Veba Tr
Washington, DC
Maryland Broadband Cooperative Inc
Salisbury, MD
Pennsylvania Property And Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association
Philadelphia, PA
Insurance Information Institute Inc
Malvern, PA
Asphalt Institute Inc
Lexington, KY
Nashville Wire Products Company Employee Benefit Plan
Nashville, TN

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