Friends Of Saddle Mountain

Organization Overview

Friends Of Saddle Mountain is located in Tonopah, AZ. The organization was established in 2007. According to its NTEE Classification (C34) the organization is classified as: Land Resources Conservation, under the broad grouping of Environment and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Friends Of Saddle Mountain is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

Limited Data Available: This organization filed their most recent 990 in paper format. This filing methodology limits the information that can be extracted from the filing.

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Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Land Trust Of Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz, CA
Pacific Forest And Watershed Lands Stewardship Council
Orangevale, CA
Wildlands Conservancy
Oak Glen, CA
Conservation Lands Foundation
Durango, CO
Center For Natural Lands Management
Temecula, CA
Sonoma Land Trust
Santa Rosa, CA
Mesa County Land Conservancy Inc
Grand Junction, CO
Sempervirens Fund
Los Altos, CA
Redwood Forest Foundation Inc
Fort Bragg, CA
Arizona Land And Water Trust Inc
Tucson, AZ
John Muir Land Trust
Martinez, CA
Big Sur Land Trust
Monterey, CA
Tompkins Conservation
San Francisco, CA
Napa County Land Trust
Napa, CA
San Francisco Community Land Tr
San Francisco, CA
Pepperwood Foundation
Santa Rosa, CA
The California Desert Land Conservancy
Joshua Tree, CA
Santa Lucia Conservancy
Carmel, CA
Tohono Chul Park Inc
Tucson, AZ
Truckee Donner Land Trust
Truckee, CA
Wildlife Heritage Foundation
Lincoln, CA
Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
The Land Trust For Santa Barbara County
Santa Barbara, CA
Sequoia Riverlands Trust
Visalia, CA
Western Landowners Alliance
Denver, CO

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