Cambrias Anonymous Neighbors

The information for Cambrias Anonymous Neighbors is as of the organization's most recent filing with an invalid date. This organization is located in Cambria, CA. It was founded in 1984, and the number of years it has been in existence is unknown/null.

Organization Classification

The IRS classifies organizations according to the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system. The NTEE system helps the IRS assign a 3-character code to each organization to describe the organization's activities.

Cambrias Anonymous Neighbors is an organization classified under the NTEE code F22, which falls under the major classification of Mental Health & Crisis Intervention. The minor classification of this organization is Substance Abuse Treatment. Organizations with this classification provide inpatient, outpatient, or residential treatment services for individuals who have a physical and/or psychological dependency on alcohol and/or drugs. Additionally, Cambrias Anonymous Neighbors is governed by section 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, which encompasses Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations.

Limited Data Available: This organization filed their most recent 990 in paper format. This filing methodology limits the information that can be extracted from the filing.

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