Mary E Bivins Trust

Organization Overview

Mary E Bivins Trust is located in Amarillo, TX. The organization was established in 1952. According to its NTEE Classification (T22) the organization is classified as: Private Independent Foundations, under the broad grouping of Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Mary E Bivins Trust is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 09/2023, Mary E Bivins Trust generated $5.9m in total revenue. This represents relatively stable growth, over the past 7 years the organization has increased revenue by an average of 1.9% each year. All expenses for the organization totaled $5.7m during the year ending 09/2023. While expenses have increased by 1.6% per year over the past 7 years. They've been increasing with an increasing level of total revenue. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Joeseph Batson Jr
Tj Reeves
Richard Ware
Andrew Bivins
William Ware
President Tr
Patrick Ware

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar $0
Interest on Savings $187,957
Dividends & Interest $640,011
Net Rental Income$0
Net Gain on Sale of Assets $991,293
Capital Gain Net Income $991,293
Net ST Capital Gain $0
Income Modifications $0
Profit on Inventory Sales $0
Other Income $4,098,542
Total Revenue $5,917,803

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Stanley E Fulton Family Foundation
Dallas, TX
Union General Hospital
Farmerville, LA
Karakin Foundation
Abilene, TX
Centerpoint Energy Foundation Inc
Houston, TX
Fore Kids Foundation Inc
Avondale, LA
Addy Foundation
Dallas, TX
Houston In Action
Houston, TX
Willard And Pat Walker Charitable Foundation Inc
Fayetteville, AR
Eula Mae And John Baugh Foundation
San Antonio, TX
Impetus Foundation
San Antonio, TX
Marshall Legacy Foundation
Metairie, LA
Joseph W Craft Iii Foundation
Tulsa, OK
Coulter Family Foundation
Fort Worth, TX
Murphy Usa Charitable Foundation Inc
El Dorado, AR
Eugene V And Clare Thaw Charitable Trust
Santa Fe, NM
Greehey Family Foundation
San Antonio, TX
H E B Tournament Of Champions Charitable Tr
San Antonio, TX
The@sarah And Ross Perot Jr Foundation
Dallas, TX
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Houston, TX
Gene And Jerry Jones Family-Dallas Cowboys Charities
Frisco, TX
Woodforest Charitable Foundation
The Woodlands, TX
Klesse Foundation
San Antonio, TX
80-20 Fund
San Antonio, TX
Srb Charitable Corporation
Fort Worth, TX
The Helmerich Trust
Tulsa, OK

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