Wausau Golf Club Inc

The information for Wausau Golf Club Inc is as of the organization's most recent filing in October '22. This organization is located in Schofield, WI. It has been in existence for 72 years, following its founding in 1950.

Organization Classification

The IRS classifies organizations according to the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system. The NTEE system helps the IRS assign a 3-character code to each organization to describe the organization's activities.

The Wausau Golf Club Inc's NTEE code is N60. The "N" tells us that the organization is classified along with Recreation & Sports. The "60" tells us that the organization is involved in Amateur Sports. The NTEE describes Amateur Sports organizations as those that provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in, and enjoy organized recreational activities, sports, or games of their choice. These programs may be offered by local clubs devoted to a particular activity or sport and provide coaching assistance, instruction, access to equipment and facilities, and may sponsor athletes to participate in amateur competitions. The Wausau Golf Club Inc is a private 18-hole golf course, fulfilling its mission to provide a private golfing experience.

Program Areas

Program Area 1: The organization operates a private 18-hole golf course that provides play for 254 families.

Program Area 2: The swimming pool and wading pool program area provides recreational swimming facilities and lessons for 384 families.

Program Area 3: The restaurant and bar facilities program area provides limited bar and dining facilities for 384 families.

Organization Staffing

Wausau Golf Club Inc is run by Sarah Krolicki, who is the President of the organization. The organization does not have any employees and does not pay anyone over $100k per year. However, they have a small team of 12 volunteers who support the operations of the club.

Board Governance

Wausau Golf Club Inc, based on the provided information, appears to have a well-governed structure in terms of its voting members. The organization has a total of 12 voting members, all of whom are independent. This indicates that the decision-making process within the organization is likely to be unbiased and free from any potential conflicts of interest. However, there are some areas where the governance of Wausau Golf Club Inc could be improved. Firstly, the organization does not have a conflict of interest policy in place, which could be crucial in ensuring that any conflicts that may arise are appropriately managed and disclosed. Additionally, the organization lacks a written whistleblower policy, which could hinder the reporting of any unethical or illegal activities within the organization. Furthermore, the lack of documentation for committee meetings raises concerns about transparency and accountability. It is important for committee meetings to be documented to ensure that decisions and actions taken by these smaller groups are properly recorded and reviewed. Lastly, the organization does not substantiate or review leadership and officer's salaries, which could lead to potential issues regarding transparency and fairness in compensation. Additionally, the organization does not provide copies of the 990 form to the board prior to filing, which could limit the board's ability to review and understand the organization's financial activities. Overall, while Wausau Golf Club Inc demonstrates some elements of good governance, there are areas that could be strengthened to ensure greater transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within the organization.

Organization Growth

The nonprofit organization, Wausau Golf Club Inc, has experienced growth over the given time period. Contributions and grants received increased from $200.0K in 2013 to $292.2K in 2021. Program service revenue also grew from $1.5M in 2013 to $2.2M in 2021. Other revenue saw an increase as well, from $677.1K in 2013 to $784.1K in 2021. Total revenue increased from $2.4M in 2013 to $3.3M in 2021. However, there was a decrease in investment income, which dropped from $15.9K in 2013 to $5.2K in 2021. Despite this, the overall trend indicates growth for the organization. Total expenses also increased from $2.2M in 2013 to $2.8M in 2021. The number of total volunteers remained the same throughout the time period, with 12 volunteers in both 2013 and 2021.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Jennifer Roloff
Sarah Krolicki
Frank Barnett
Vice President
Steve Ryan
Glen Witter
Derek Hoff

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Federated campaigns$0
Membership dues$0
Fundraising events$0
Related organizations$0
Government grants $292,156
All other contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not included above$0
Noncash contributions included in lines 1a–1f $0
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$292,156
Total Program Service Revenue$2,216,618
Investment income $5,222
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Net Rental Income $0
Net Gain/Loss on Asset Sales $0
Net Income from Fundraising Events $0
Net Income from Gaming Activities $0
Net Income from Sales of Inventory $784,129
Miscellaneous Revenue$0
Total Revenue $3,298,125

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