Naches Wonderland Campers Assoc

The information for Naches Wonderland Campers Assoc is as of the organization's most recent filing in December '17. This organization is located in Naches, WA. It has been in existence for 18 years, following its founding in 1999.

Organization Classification

The IRS classifies organizations according to the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system. The NTEE system helps the IRS assign a 3-character code to each organization to describe the organization's activities.

The Naches Wonderland Campers Assoc is classified under the NTEE code N50, which indicates that it falls under the category of Recreation & Sports. The organization is further classified as a Recreational Club. Recreational Clubs are organizations that provide facilities and opportunities for recreational activities, sports, games, and socializing events such as dances, parties, picnics, and barbecues. These clubs also include special interest clubs that bring together individuals with shared hobbies or interests. The Naches Wonderland Campers Assoc is governed by section 4 of the Internal Revenue Code, which pertains to Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees.

Program Areas

The organization maintains the campground facilities for its members within the general fund. This includes reporting all revenues, support, and functional expenses that are not specifically reported by another fund or program.

Organization Growth

The Naches Wonderland Campers Assoc has experienced growth over the given time period. From 2015 to 2017, their total revenue increased from $92.3K to $123.2K. This indicates a positive trend and suggests that the nonprofit organization has grown financially during this time.

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Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Total Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar$0
Total Program Service Revenue$0
Membership dues$61,933
Investment income $255
Gain or Loss$0
Net Income from Gaming & Fundraising$0
Other Revenue$35,542
Total Revenue$97,730

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