
Kng Of Prussa

The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Kng Of Prussa

Kng Of Prussa is home to 77 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $55k in revenue and employ 0 individuals.

How Large Are Kng Of Prussa, PA Nonprofits?

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Employee Count Buckets

Number of Organizations

Organizations By Revenue Level















Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do Kng Of Prussa, PA Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Kng Of Prussa, PA

Pcom Fossils

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide recreation, sports, leisure or athletics services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

National Scholastic Rowing Association

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to sponsor sports competitions for amateurs at the national, state, or international level or competitions at multiple levels including the international level.

Womens Empowerment Series Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to focus on influencing public policy within the Public, Society Benefit - Multipurpose and Other major group area. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures.

Vaishnavas C A R E

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide a broad range of social services for individuals or families.

Toastmasters International

Kng Of Prussa, PA


We could not find a description of this organization.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to operate associations for male and female students which are chapters of national or international organizations, have secret rites and restricted membership, and may undertake, as a part of their activities, community improvement or charitable projects.

Pharmaceutical Consulting Consortium International Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations like chambers of commerce, business leagues and commercial trade associations whose members are businessmen and women and merchants who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting the general commercial interests of the community or the interests of their own trade. [Many of these are found in section 501(c)(6) business leagues; and 501(c)(6) chambers of commerce.]

Kremer Cares

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to assist in the prevention or treatment of blindness and diseases or other conditions that affect the eyes. The associated medical specialty is ophthalmology.

Parent Booster Usa Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


We could not find a description of this organization.

Everlasting Hug Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


We could not find a description of this organization.

Recycle The World Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Environment major group area.

Release Church Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the religious organizations whose form of Christian faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. Use this code for Protestant churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs.

Believing Hearts Foundation

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to enable students who demonstrate financial need to obtain the financial assistance they require to meet their educational and living expenses while in school.

Addies Angels Foundation

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Grantmaking Foundations major group area.

Upper Merion Boys Basketball Booster Club

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund raise for a single institution within the Education major group.

Parent Booster Usa Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund raise for a single institution within the Education major group.

Cleopatra Broh Foundation

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide community improvement, capacity building services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

Spring City Regeneration Church

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)


Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations whose members are a worldwide group which constitutes a continuation through descent or conversion of the ancient Jewish people; who practice Judaism, a religion that is characterized by a belief in one God and in the mission of Jews to teach the oneness of God as revealed in the Hebrew scriptures. Organizations making reference to Lubavitch, Chabad, Yeshiva, and Torah should also be classified here, but not necessarily those mentioning Israel, Hebrew, and Shalom.

Mission 180 Llc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to operate organizations that provide educational programs within the formal educational system or offered as an adjunct to the traditional school curriculum which help students succeed in school and prepare for life. Includes organizations that partner parents, families, schools, business and/or community leaders to broker resources for the benefit of local schools.