
Kng Of Prussa

The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Kng Of Prussa

Kng Of Prussa is home to 77 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $55k in revenue and employ 0 individuals.

How Large Are Kng Of Prussa, PA Nonprofits?

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Org Revenue Buckets

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Where Do Kng Of Prussa, PA Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Kng Of Prussa, PA

National Huguenot Society

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations like chambers of commerce, business leagues and commercial trade associations whose members are businessmen and women and merchants who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting the general commercial interests of the community or the interests of their own trade. [Many of these are found in section 501(c)(6) business leagues; and 501(c)(6) chambers of commerce.]

Zonta International

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations whose members are business and professional men and/or women or other individuals who have a common interest in improving the life of the community, which conduct fund-raising events to finance community service projects. Many service clubs are chapters of national or international organizations.

Abrams Community Chapel Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide community improvement, capacity building services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People

Kng Of Prussa, PA


We could not find a description of this organization.

National Sojourners Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to sponsor, organize and promote fairs and festivals. Includes collectible/antique fairs, county and state fairs, street fairs, festivals, parades, and other similar activities during religious and patriotic holidays and other special occasions.

American Federation Of State County & Municipal Employees

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to work to promote the rights of employees to fair remuneration and safe working conditions.

Concrete Contractors Assoc Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the learned societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Community Improvement, Capacity Building major group area.

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization are the religious organizations whose form of Christian faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. Use this code for Protestant churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs.

Transform Church Philadelphia

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Bloom Club

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to operate institutions outside the formal system of regular schools, colleges, universities and technical/trade schools that provide opportunities for adults to develop basic learning and communication skills, complete their high school education, expand their knowledge in a particular field or discipline or develop skills in a new area of interest.

Compassion Corps

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide all forms of support except for financial assistance, fund raising, or patient care services for other organizations within the Health General and Rehabilitative major group area.

Montgomery County Chamber Of Commerce Foundation

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to enable students who demonstrate financial need to obtain the financial assistance they require to meet their educational and living expenses while in school.

Valley Forge Homestead Quilters

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to make available to members and their guests and facilities for recreational activities, sports and games. Also included are social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize with their peers at dances, parties, picnics, barbecues and other companionable events; and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Give The Gift Of Music Foundation

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to offer classes in the performing arts but do not confer academic degrees.


Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to work to relieve poverty in developing countries by providing funds, technical assistance and supplies which improve the health, education, welfare, social well-being and self-reliance of individuals and families. Also included are organizations that provide relief services in response to a major disaster or large-scale emergency that occurs abroad.

King Of Prussia Firefighters Association Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to are responsible for the control and extinction of fires; and the inspection of buildings, hillside property and industrial plants to ensure compliance with fire codes.

Global Vision Army

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to inform the public of health and safety hazards and measures for furthering the early detection, treatment or rehabilitation of people who have an illness, injury or disability.

Petrochoice Helping Hand Fund Inc

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide food, clothing, household goods, cash and other forms of short-term emergency assistance for indigent individuals and families who have insufficient resources to meet their basic needs.

Mother Teresa Regional Catholic School

Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide a formal education for children and adolescents in kindergarten or first grade through grade twelve.


Kng Of Prussa, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide services relating to religion where a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned. Examples may include Unitarianism, Taoism, Sikhs, Zoroastrism, Atheism, Actualism, Theosophy, Bahaism and reference to miracles.