Board, Officers, & Key Employees for Veterans Of Foreign Wars Of The United States Dept Of Wisconsin

Name (title)Compensation
David Green
State Adjutant (thru September)
Thomas Heath
State Quartermaster
Adam Wallace
State Adjutant (from Sept)/judge Advocate
Michele Rathke
State Commander
Cory Geisler
Immediate Past Dept Commander
Ronald Ramos
State Sr Vice Commander
Kerry Mcallen
State Jr Vice Commander (thru Jan)
Mary Ann Christopherson
State Jr Vice Commander (from Feb)/inspector
William Knudson
State Chaplain
Angela Thomsen
State Surgeon
Jason Dean
State Chief Of Staff
Manuel Salas
1st District Commander
Karen Singer
2nd District Commander
Carla Mcandrew
3rd District Commander
Jorge Calderon
4th District Commander
Robert Buehler
6th District Commander
Doug Mauritz
7th District Commander
Kenneth Corry
8th District Commander
Randy Engness
9th District Commander
Mark Sierzchulski
10th District Commander
Dewitt Woodworth
11th District Commander

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