Name (title) | Role | Hours | Compensation |
Adam Sagot DO Early Career Psych Trustee/vice President | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $0 |
Amy DE Silva MD Resident Trustee | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Anna Rossi DO Trustee-At-Large | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Brian Isaacson MD Secretary/treasurer | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $0 |
Consuelo Cagande MD Apa Assembly Rep | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Debra Koss MD Immediate Past Pres./council On Adv. Trustee | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $34,656 |
Garrett Rossimd Trustee-At-Large | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Karuna Poddarmd Council On Membership | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Lauren Kaplan-Sagal MD Vice President/president-Elect | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $0 |
Linda Chuangmd Trustee-At-Large | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Mary-Catherine Skoulosmd Outgoing Resident Trustee | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Ramon Solhkhah MD Outgoing President | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $0 |
Randall Gurak MD Apa Assembly Representativ | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Rashi Aggarwal MD Apa Assembly Representativ | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Stephen Matekado President Elect/president | OfficerTrustee | 1 | $3,073 |
Tony Juneja MD Council On Educational Event Planning Trustee | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Wakilu Shintu MD Early Career Psychiatrist Trustee | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
William Greenberg Area 3 Representative | Trustee | 1 | $0 |
Patricia Decotiis Executive Director | Officer | 40 | $163,807 |
Jennifer L Contorno Deputy Executive Director | 40 | $111,877 |
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