Board, Officers, & Key Employees for New York State School Music Association

Name (title)Compensation
David M Brown
Past President
Russ Faunce
Edmund A Chiarello
President Elect
Kathy Perconti
3rd Vice President
Paige Hardison
Zone Representative
Scott Cannan
Zone Representative
Jennifer Greene
Zone Representative
William A Mccoy
Zone Representative
Ashley Trudell
Zone Representative
Jeanette Woodruff
Zone Representative
Gregory A Verheyn
Zone Representative
Julie Smith
Zone Representative
Lynda Keech
Zone Representative
Samantha Mcshane
Zone Representative
Kimberly Dunkin
Zone Representative
Shelly Bauer
Zone Representative
Ruth Breidenbach
Zone Representative
James C Uzzi
Zone Representative
Collin Smith
Zone Representative
Emma Uruburu
Collegiate President
Dr David A Gaines
Executive Director
Daryle Redmond
3rd Vice President

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