The Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Foundaton Inc

Organization Overview

The Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Foundaton Inc is located in Rockville, MD. The organization was established in 1990. According to its NTEE Classification (T20) the organization is classified as: Private Grantmaking Foundations, under the broad grouping of Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations and related organizations. This organization is an independent organization and not affiliated with a larger national or regional group of organizations. Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Foundaton Inc is a 501(c)(3) and as such, is described as a "Charitable or Religous organization or a private foundation" by the IRS.

For the year ending 12/2021, Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Foundaton Inc generated $5.8m in total revenue. This organization has experienced exceptional growth, as over the past 3 years, it has increased revenue by an average of 12.7% each year . All expenses for the organization totaled $4.9m during the year ending 12/2021. You can explore the organizations financials more deeply in the financial statements section below.

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Board, Officers & Key Employees

Name (title)Compensation
Gail Hartstein
Scott Powell
Vice Preside
Steven H Oram
Brandon Hartstein
Cory Hartstein

Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue
Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Similar $0
Interest on Savings $146,163
Dividends & Interest $1,518,249
Profit on Inventory Sales $0
Other Income $43,206
Total Revenue $5,834,455

Peer Organizations

Organization NameAssets
Kahlert Foundation Inc
Sykesville, MD
Connelly Foundation
West Conshohocken, PA
The Abell Foundation Inc
Baltimore, MD
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Grable Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Operating Engineers Trust Fund Of Washington D C & Vicinity
Sparks, MD
Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
Richmond, VA
Eugene & Agnes E Meyer Foundation
Washington, DC
Wyss Medical Foundation Inc
Washington, DC
Norman R Rales And Ruth Rales Foundation
Washington, DC
Fund Ii Foundation
Washington, DC
Eden Hall Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Edward C And Linda Dresner Levy Foundation
Reston, VA
Head & Heart Foundation Tr
Wilmington, DE
Ge Li & Ning Zhao Family Foundation
Wilmington, DE
Danville Regional Foundation
Danville, VA
Foster Foundation Inc
Huntington, WV
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Falls Church, VA
The Snider Foundation
Bryn Mawr, PA
E Rhodes And Leona B Carpenter Foundation
Radnor, PA
Mt Cuba Center Inc
Hockessin, DE
Smyth Foundation
Wilmington, DE
National Policing Institute
Arlington, VA
Independence Blue Cross Foundation
Philadelphia, PA
Danaher Foundation
Washington, DC

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