The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Kennett Sq

Kennett Sq is home to 52 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $278k in revenue and employ 0 individuals.

How Large Are Kennett Sq, PA Nonprofits?

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Employee Count Buckets

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Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do Kennett Sq, PA Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Kennett Sq, PA

Pennsylvania State Grange Of Patrons Of Husbandry

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to represent the interests of agricultural producers and rural communities.

Pennsylvania State Grange Of Patrons Of Husbandry

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to represent the interests of agricultural producers and rural communities.

Greewwood Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund raise for a single institution within the Education major group.

Riders Of Hope

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide multipurpose centers or services that meet the needs and interests of a particular target population.

Themapletree Org

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to work to relieve poverty in developing countries by providing funds, technical assistance and supplies which improve the health, education, welfare, social well-being and self-reliance of individuals and families. Also included are organizations that provide relief services in response to a major disaster or large-scale emergency that occurs abroad.

United Methodist Church Of The Open Door

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Bancroft Elementary Parent -Teacher Organization

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to operate organizations of parents, educators, students, and other citizens who are active in their schools and communities promoting the health, education, and welfare of children.

Saaz Inc

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide human services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

Global Education Network

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to focus on influencing public policy within the Education major group area.

Orpheus Foundation

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is the production of musical events, including concert series and music festivals.

Omicron Delta Lambda Foundation

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to enable students who demonstrate financial need to obtain the financial assistance they require to meet their educational and living expenses while in school.

Kmc Trampoline And Tumbling Parents Organization

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.

The Renaissance Academy

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide education services where the major purpose is unclear cannot be accurately assigned.

Green Rocks Rescue Inc

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to offer services which help individuals develop an understanding of the animal species in which they have an interest and/or to work more effectively with their pets.

Martin Luther King Jr Community Of Greater Kennett Area

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations concerned with civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector who seek to promote the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism through a variety of strategies including advocacy, disclosure, information exchange, and research. (rev. 1/05)

Jonathan Beech Memorial Concert Inc

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Voluntary Health Associations and Medical Disciplines major group area.

National Association Of Women In Construction

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to conduct research in the field of engineering in which mathematical and scientific principles are applied to solve a wide variety of practical problems in industry, social organization, public works and commerce.

Jack & Jill Of America Inc

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to encourage the effective functioning of government including the administration of public agencies and the actions and decisions of public officials.

Honor Society Of Phi Kappa Phi

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to operate associations for male and female students which are chapters of national or international organizations, have secret rites and restricted membership, and may undertake, as a part of their activities, community improvement or charitable projects.

Chester County Women

Kennett Sq, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide or coordinate a wide variety of programs and services that are needed by and of interest to this population.