

The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Hollidaysburg

Hollidaysburg is home to 113 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $98m in revenue and employ 784 individuals.

How Large Are Hollidaysburg, PA Nonprofits?

Organizations By Employee Count

















Employee Count Buckets

Number of Organizations

Organizations By Revenue Level















Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do Hollidaysburg, PA Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Hollidaysburg, PA

United Mine Workers Of America International

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to work to promote the rights of employees to fair remuneration and safe working conditions.

Islamic Association Of Central Pennsylvania Inc

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization are the organizations whose members are followers of Islam, the religious faith and cultural system that is based on the belief in Allah as the sole deity, in Mohammed as the prophet of Allah and in the Koran as the revelation of Allah to Mohammed and the divinely authorized basis for the religious, social, civil, commercial, military and legal regulations of the Islamic world.

Garden Club Federation Of Pennsylvania

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide organized opportunities for individuals to pursue their interest in ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, house plants, herbs, garden fruits and vegetables or other species of plants.

Frankstown Park Missionary Church

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization are the religious organizations whose form of Christian faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. Use this code for Protestant churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs.

Abundance Of Grace Church

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Ruffed Grouse Society

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization

Project Diagnosis Foundation

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to assist in the prevention or treatment of diseases or conditions that affect the nerves, muscles or bones. Use this code for organizations that focus on a wide variety of nerve, muscle and bone diseases or those not specified below. The related medical specialty is orthopedic surgery.

Vietnam Veterans Of America Inc

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization are the membership organizations that are engaged in promoting the interests of the veterans or active or retired military personnel who are their members.

Hollidaysburg Boys Basketball Association

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to learn and become competitive in basketball. basketball equipment, uniforms, and officials for competitions are generally included.

Gods Little Offerings Inc

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide a broad range of social services for individuals or families.

Gilwell Fund Of Blair County Inc

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for children and youth to develop individual and group initiative and responsibility, self-reliance, courage, personal fitness, discipline and other desirable qualities of character through participation in a wide range of organized recreational, educational and civic activities under the leadership of qualified adult volunteers. Use this code for troop type organizations not specifically designated as Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A or Camp Fire.

Amelia M Sharer Foundation

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide support services to patients and their families. Programs can include social and recreational activities for people who are recovering from surgery or a serious illnesses; supportive services for children who are ill and for their families which enable family members to remain with a child who is hospitalized; family and sibling support groups, and programs which attempt to make a gravely or terminally ill child’s final days, weeks and months more pleasant. (rev. 9/2005)

Lennys Legacy

Hollidaysburg, PA


The goal of this organization is to provide for the humane care, protection and control of animals and which investigate instances of cruelty to animals.