
The Villages

The Nonprofit Ecosystem in The Villages

The Villages is home to 198 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $203m in revenue and employ 2k individuals.

How Large Are The Villages, FL Nonprofits?

Organizations By Employee Count

















Employee Count Buckets

Number of Organizations

Organizations By Revenue Level















Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do The Villages, FL Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in The Villages, FL

National Society Colonial Dames Xvii Century

The Villages, FL


We could not find a description of this organization.

Florida Antique Bucket Brigade Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to promote awareness of and appreciation for history and historical artifacts.

Bailey Trail Villagers

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to make available to members and their guests and facilities for recreational activities, sports and games. Also included are social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize with their peers at dances, parties, picnics, barbecues and other companionable events; and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to operate associations for male and female students which are chapters of national or international organizations, have secret rites and restricted membership, and may undertake, as a part of their activities, community improvement or charitable projects.

American Sewing Guild Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to produce, promote and disseminate information on traditional music, dance, theater or folklore of various cultures and organizations that perform, present and support folk art in a specific region.

Live Oaks Community Church

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Blue Ribbon Cancer Coalition Of Pennsylvania Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Voluntary Health Associations and Medical Disciplines major group area.

Isparkle Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.

Villages Clown Alley 179 Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization are the organizations concerned with civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector who seek to promote the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism through a variety of strategies including advocacy, disclosure, information exchange, and research. (rev. 1/05)

Florida Destination Imagination Inc

The Villages, FL


We could not find a description of this organization.

Dads For A Day

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.

Excutive Womens Golf Association Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization are the organizations like chambers of commerce, business leagues and commercial trade associations whose members are businessmen and women and merchants who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting the general commercial interests of the community or the interests of their own trade. [Many of these are found in section 501(c)(6) business leagues; and 501(c)(6) chambers of commerce.]

The Villages Computer Club Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to make available to members and their guests and facilities for recreational activities, sports and games. Also included are social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize with their peers at dances, parties, picnics, barbecues and other companionable events; and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Big Hammock Race Series Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the organized recreational activity, sport or game of their choice. These programs may be offered by local clubs devoted to a particular activity or sport; may provide individual or team coaching assistance or instruction, access to equipment and facilities, and uniforms, if necessary; and may sponsor or make arrangements for athletes to participate in amateur competitions, usually at the local or regional level, and provide officials for games. These events are generally for the enjoyment of the athletes and are not at a high enough competitive level to be considered spectator sports.

Heart For Zion

The Villages, FL


We could not find a description of this organization.

Cerrato Associates Incorporation

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide a therapeutic living environment in community-based facilities for adults or children with emotional and/or behavioral problems who require a structured, supervised treatment program which may include individual, group, family and other treatment modalities as appropriate.

Marine Corps League

The Villages, FL


We could not find a description of this organization.

Osceola Hills Social Group

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to make available to members and their guests and facilities for recreational activities, sports and games. Also included are social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize with their peers at dances, parties, picnics, barbecues and other companionable events; and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Suncoast Central Florida Unity Ministers Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Freedom Speaks Coalition Inc

The Villages, FL


The goal of this organization are the organizations whose activities focus on influencing public policy within the Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy major group area. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures.