
Fern Bch

The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Fern Bch

Fern Bch is home to 114 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $120k in revenue and employ 0 individuals.

How Large Are Fern Bch, FL Nonprofits?

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Employee Count Buckets

Number of Organizations

Organizations By Revenue Level















Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do Fern Bch, FL Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Fern Bch, FL

National Active And Retired Federal Employees Association

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to work to promote the rights of employees to fair remuneration and safe working conditions.

National Society Of The Daughters Of The American Revolution

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to promote awareness of and appreciation for history and historical artifacts.

International Association Of The Fire Fighters

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to are responsible for the control and extinction of fires; and the inspection of buildings, hillside property and industrial plants to ensure compliance with fire codes.

St Michael Academy

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide a formal education for children and adolescents in kindergarten or first grade through grade twelve.

Americas Youth Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide supervised recreational and social activities for children and youth of all ages and backgrounds, but particularly for disadvantaged youth, through youth-oriented clubs or centers with the objective of building character and developing leadership and social skills among participants.

Grace Community Church

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization are the religious organizations whose form of Christian faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. Use this code for Protestant churches as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools; and bible distribution programs.

Joy To The Children Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Youth Development major group area.

Arias Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is the production of musical events, including concert series and music festivals.

Fernandina Pirates Club Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to focus broadly on strengthening, unifying and building the economic, cultural, educational and social services of an urban community or neighborhood.

Team Fernandina Stingrays Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to learn and become competitive in swimming, diving, snorkeling, surfing, water skiing, water polo, boating, white water rafting and other water sports. Coaching, access to a swimming pool or other facilities, sports equipment, and officials for competitions are generally included.

Friends Of Fernandina Aviation Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to enable students who demonstrate financial need to obtain the financial assistance they require to meet their educational and living expenses while in school.

Kiwanis International Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization are the organizations whose members are business and professional men and/or women or other individuals who have a common interest in improving the life of the community, which conduct fund-raising events to finance community service projects. Many service clubs are chapters of national or international organizations.

Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to operate associations for male and female students which are chapters of national or international organizations, have secret rites and restricted membership, and may undertake, as a part of their activities, community improvement or charitable projects.

Life America Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to enhance the aesthetic characteristics of the built environment by acquiring and preserving open spaces for public enjoyment; planting trees, flowers and shrubs in public places; conducting recycling and roadside cleanup campaigns; and engaging in other environmental beautification activities.

Bartram Garden Club

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide organized opportunities for individuals to pursue their interest in ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, house plants, herbs, garden fruits and vegetables or other species of plants.

Amelia Lifelong Learning Corporation

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to operate institutions outside the formal system of regular schools, colleges, universities and technical/trade schools that provide opportunities for adults to develop basic learning and communication skills, complete their high school education, expand their knowledge in a particular field or discipline or develop skills in a new area of interest.

Much Bigger World

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide a broad range of social services for individuals or families.

Dry Bones Come Alive Ministry International Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide a broad range of social services for individuals or families.

Beach Cheer Boosters Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn, become competitive in and enjoy the organized recreational activity, sport or game of their choice. These programs may be offered by local clubs devoted to a particular activity or sport; may provide individual or team coaching assistance or instruction, access to equipment and facilities, and uniforms, if necessary; and may sponsor or make arrangements for athletes to participate in amateur competitions, usually at the local or regional level, and provide officials for games. These events are generally for the enjoyment of the athletes and are not at a high enough competitive level to be considered spectator sports.

Amelia Island Nassau County Youth Lacrosse Inc

Fern Bch, FL


The goal of this organization is to provide recreation, sports, leisure or athletics services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.