The Nonprofit Ecosystem in Sunnyvale

Sunnyvale is home to 513 nonprofit organizations. In aggregate, these organizations account for $386m in revenue and employ 2k individuals.

How Large Are Sunnyvale, CA Nonprofits?

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Employee Count Buckets

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Org Revenue Buckets

Number of Organizations

Where Do Sunnyvale, CA Nonprofits Focus?

The IRS classifies nonprofits along 25 different categories or NTEE classifications.

*Remaining NTEE categories account for 0 organizations.

Explore Nonprofits in Sunnyvale, CA


Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through organized worship or through other devotional activities under the auspices of one of the group of religious faiths that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Use this code for Christian denominations that are not specified below as well as their ministries, missions or missionary activities; bible camps and schools. (rev. 11/04)

Glow Within Institute

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to promote, produce or provide access to a variety of arts experiences encompassing the visual, media or performing arts.

Lucas & Travis Foundation

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Education major group area.

Trenado Inc

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to conduct research and/or public policy analysis within the Community Improvement, Capacity Building major group area.

Quillopo Family

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization are the organizations concerned with civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector who seek to promote the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism through a variety of strategies including advocacy, disclosure, information exchange, and research. (rev. 1/05)

Balm Institute

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate organizations that provide educational programs within the formal educational system or offered as an adjunct to the traditional school curriculum which help students succeed in school and prepare for life. Includes organizations that partner parents, families, schools, business and/or community leaders to broker resources for the benefit of local schools.

Iranian Women In Computing

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide a broad range of social services for individuals or families.

People With Empathy

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide technical assistance, loans, loan guarantees and other forms of assistance to support the development and growth of a wide variety of business establishments in the community.

Art Of Play

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide recreation, sports, leisure or athletics services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

Hero Project

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization are the organizations concerned with civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector who seek to promote the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism through a variety of strategies including advocacy, disclosure, information exchange, and research. (rev. 1/05)


Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Education major group area.

Inara Mentoring

Sunnyvale, CA


We could not find a description of this organization.

Charlie Alpha Flying Club

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to make available to members and their guests and facilities for recreational activities, sports and games. Also included are social clubs that provide opportunities for people to meet and socialize with their peers at dances, parties, picnics, barbecues and other companionable events; and special interest clubs which enable people to share hobbies or other interests with individuals with those same interests.

Slate Impact Inc

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to help people prepare for, find, secure and retain suitable employment.

Wright Way Out

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to work to prevent, predict or control the effects of disasters (e.g. floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes), to educate or otherwise prepare individuals to cope with the effects of such disasters or to provide broad-based relief services to victims of such disasters.

Desert Cedars Foundation

Sunnyvale, CA


We could not find a description of this organization.

Owl And Scimitar Informatory Society

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to promote awareness of and appreciation for history and historical artifacts.

App Dev League Inc

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate organizations that provide educational programs within the formal educational system or offered as an adjunct to the traditional school curriculum which help students succeed in school and prepare for life. Includes organizations that partner parents, families, schools, business and/or community leaders to broker resources for the benefit of local schools.

Sustainability And Community Health Initiative

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide information concerning the basic principles of healthful eating, food handling, food preparation and shopping skills. Included is information about the basic food groups, vitamin and mineral requirements, and the relationship of nutrition to the preservation of good health and the prevention of illness.

To The Limit Maths Incorporated

Sunnyvale, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide services, facilities and programs that support student needs, foster student learning and personal development, create a healthy and diverse community, and enrich student life.