Puerto Rico is home to 108 Health Care nonprofit organizations.
San Juan, PR
The goal of this organization is to provide medical care services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.
San Juan, PR
The goal of this organization is to inform the public of health and safety hazards and measures for furthering the early detection, treatment or rehabilitation of people who have an illness, injury or disability.
Ponce, PR
The goal of this organization is to operate health care facilities that are licensed to operate twenty-four hours per day and offer diagnostic and treatment services as well as emergency and critical care services for people who have illnesses or injuries which require immediate, short-term intervention.
San Juan, PR
The goal of this organization is to provide support services to patients and their families. Programs can include social and recreational activities for people who are recovering from surgery or a serious illnesses; supportive services for children who are ill and for their families which enable family members to remain with a child who is hospitalized; family and sibling support groups, and programs which attempt to make a gravely or terminally ill child’s final days, weeks and months more pleasant. (rev. 9/2005)
Ponce, PR
The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.
Bayamon, PR
The goal of this organization is to operate health centers, clinics, and other facilities that provide walk-in, walk-out diagnostic and treatment services for people whose care does not require confinement or a hospital stay. Use this code for types of outpatient facilities or services not specified below.
San Juan, PR
The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.
Mayaguez, PR
The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.