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Crime & Legal-Related

Crime & Legal-Related Nonprofits in North Carolina

North Carolina is home to 566 Crime & Legal-Related nonprofit organizations.

Explore Crime & Legal-Related Nonprofits in North Carolina

Legacy Tactics Fellowship Fund Inc

Hillsborough, NC


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Crime, Legal Related major group area.

Operation Hope For Healing Inc

Fayetteville, NC


The goal of this organization is to deal specifically with the prevention of domestic violence through educational interventions which may focus on batterers, people at risk for domestic violence, people who work with battered women and/or the community at large.

Rowan County Crime Stoppers

China Grove, NC


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Crime, Legal Related major group area.

Up With Christ Down With Crime

Reidsville, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide crime and legal related services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

M S Smith Mediation Center Of North Carolina

Greensboro, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide mediation services which help individuals who are having a dispute discuss the situation and reach an agreement without resorting to litigation.

Take Flight

Carthage, NC


The goal of this organization is to attempt to reduce the incidence of child abuse, elder abuse and spouse abuse in family settings through educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families and/or the community at large.

Grace It Up Inc

Charlotte, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide emotional support, friendship, advice and guidance or other types of support for inmates while they are incarcerated and/or which facilitate contact between inmates and family members.

Under His Wings Transportation

Wilson, NC


The goal of this organization is to deal specifically with the prevention of domestic violence through educational interventions which may focus on batterers, people at risk for domestic violence, people who work with battered women and/or the community at large.

Duplin County Crime Stoppers Inc

Kenansville, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide information and services that help the public protect themselves from crime or which prevent its occurrence.

Chosen Few Inc

Hamlet, NC


The goal of this organization is to prevent delinquency.

Herbert Foundation And Community Outreach

Fayetteville, NC


The goal of this organization is to operate community-based residential facilities which allow adult and juvenile offenders with satisfactory behavior to transition back to the community during the last months of their sentences or which provide congregate living arrangements and supportive services for ex-offenders to help them successfully reenter the community and become self-sufficient. These facilities are known as work release centers, prerelease centers, rehabilitation centers and group homes for juvenile offenders or status offenders.

Rob Davis Foundation

Charlotte, NC


The goal of this organization is to focus on influencing public policy within the Crime, Legal Related major group area. Includes a variety of activities from public education and influencing public opinion to lobbying national and state legislatures.

Asheville Police Department Foundation

Asheville, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide all forms of support except for financial assistance or fund raising for other organizations within the Crime, Legal Related major group area.

Freedom Granted Inc

Goldsboro, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide counseling, job seeking assistance and other nonresidential supportive services that help adult and/or juvenile offenders re-integrate into the community following their release from a correctional facility.

Enduring Hands Community Care Foundation

Hillsborough, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide counseling, job seeking assistance and other nonresidential supportive services that help adult and/or juvenile offenders re-integrate into the community following their release from a correctional facility.

Future Perfect Kids

Charlotte, NC


The goal of this organization is to prevent delinquency.

Domestic Violence Outreach

Raleigh, NC


The goal of this organization is to attempt to reduce the incidence of child abuse, elder abuse and spouse abuse in family settings through educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families and/or the community at large.

Image Of Love Inc

La Grange, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide counseling, job seeking assistance and other nonresidential supportive services that help adult and/or juvenile offenders re-integrate into the community following their release from a correctional facility.

Winston-Salem Neighborhood Watch Association

Winston Salem, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide information and services that help the public protect themselves from crime or which prevent its occurrence.

Servicios Usa

Knightdale, NC


The goal of this organization is to provide general legal aid regarding criminal and/or civil matters at little or no cost for individuals who are economically disadvantaged.