

Environment Nonprofits in Maine

Maine is home to 442 Environment nonprofit organizations.

Explore Environment Nonprofits in Maine

Penobscot River Paddling Trail

Orono, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide informal classes which acquaint participants with particular aspects of their environment and increase their understanding of and appreciation for ecological balance.

New England Garden Clubs

Camden, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide organized opportunities for individuals to pursue their interest in ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, house plants, herbs, garden fruits and vegetables or other species of plants.

Wilder Waters Community

Canton, ME


The goal of this organization is to protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations.

Keep The Kennebunk Dams Save The Mousam

Kennebunk, ME


The goal of this organization is to protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations.

Friends Of Fort Sumner Park

Portland, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide environmental quality services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.

Mark Baumer Sustainability Fund

Brunswick, ME


The goal of this organization is to raise and distribute funds for multiple organizations within the Environment major group area.

Woods Pond Water Quality Association

Bridgton, ME


The goal of this organization is to preserve and protect water resources from indiscriminate waste and ensure that the supply of quality water is adequate to meet the needs of the public, agriculture and industry. Also included are organizations that preserve and manage coastal lands including shorelines, coastal waters and lands extending inland from the shore which affect coastal waters; bays, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, watersheds and other aquatic habitats.

Nation Treasures

Sullivan, ME


The goal of this organization is to preserve and protect endangered land resources from indiscriminate development, destruction or decay and which manage the utilization of renewable and nonrenewable resources to ensure ongoing availability. Included are conservation of the nations forests, rangeland, vegetation, deserts, wild and scenic rivers and other wilderness areas and open land spaces; and reestablishment of areas that have been devastated by destructive activities such as strip mining or other destructive activities.

Conservation Media Group

Camden, ME


The goal of this organization is to protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations.

Phillips Lake Association

Dedham, ME


The goal of this organization is to protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations.

Greater Pushaw Lake Association Inc

Stillwater, ME


The goal of this organization is to preserve and protect water resources from indiscriminate waste and ensure that the supply of quality water is adequate to meet the needs of the public, agriculture and industry. Also included are organizations that preserve and manage coastal lands including shorelines, coastal waters and lands extending inland from the shore which affect coastal waters; bays, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, watersheds and other aquatic habitats.

Belgrade Rome Special Needs Food Pantry

Belgrade, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide organized opportunities for individuals to pursue their interest in ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, house plants, herbs, garden fruits and vegetables or other species of plants.

Square Pond Improvement Association

Shapleigh, ME


The goal of this organization is to preserve and protect water resources from indiscriminate waste and ensure that the supply of quality water is adequate to meet the needs of the public, agriculture and industry. Also included are organizations that preserve and manage coastal lands including shorelines, coastal waters and lands extending inland from the shore which affect coastal waters; bays, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, watersheds and other aquatic habitats.

Trickey Pond Environmental Protection Association Inc

Naples, ME


The goal of this organization is to ensure that communities have a clean and healthful environment that is free from air and water pollution, pesticides and other hazardous substances, damaging radiation and excessive levels of noise.


Portland, ME


The goal of this organization is to enhance the aesthetic characteristics of the built environment by acquiring and preserving open spaces for public enjoyment; planting trees, flowers and shrubs in public places; conducting recycling and roadside cleanup campaigns; and engaging in other environmental beautification activities.

Bagaduce Watershed Association

Penobscot, ME


The goal of this organization is to protect our natural resources from abuse, neglect, waste or exploitation and preserve their availability for future generations.

Friends Of Taunton Bay

Hancock, ME


The goal of this organization is to collect and process paper, aluminum, glass, and other materials that can be recycled and reused.

Toothaker Pond Association

Auburn, ME


The goal of this organization is to preserve and protect water resources from indiscriminate waste and ensure that the supply of quality water is adequate to meet the needs of the public, agriculture and industry. Also included are organizations that preserve and manage coastal lands including shorelines, coastal waters and lands extending inland from the shore which affect coastal waters; bays, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, watersheds and other aquatic habitats.

Blue Hill Garden Club Inc

Blue Hill, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide organized opportunities for individuals to pursue their interest in ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, house plants, herbs, garden fruits and vegetables or other species of plants.

Bangor Area Storm Water Group Inc

Orono, ME


The goal of this organization is to provide environmental quality services where the major purpose is unclear enough that a more specific code cannot be accurately assigned.