
Health Care

Health Care Nonprofits in California

California is home to 4,789 Health Care nonprofit organizations.

Explore Health Care Nonprofits in California

American Academy Of Family Physicians

Sacramento, CA


The goal of this organization is the operation of societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Health - General and Rehabilitative major group area.

Pacific Voice And Speech Foundation

San Francisco, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide, on an outpatient basis, a combination of treatment and education services to restore maximum functioning, a sense of well-being and a personally satisfying level of independence for individuals who have temporary or permanent disabilities.

Society For Social Work Adminstrators In Health Care

San Jose, CA


The goal of this organization is the operation of societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Health - General and Rehabilitative major group area.

Pacific States Health & Welfare Trust Fund

Burlingame, CA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund-raise for single institutions, multihospital health care systems, and similar diversified health systems comprised of closely-affiliated organizations within the Health Care major group area.

Center For Environmental Economic Development

Eureka, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.

Community Chriropractic Health Clinics Of California Inc

Oroville, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate health centers, clinics, and other facilities that provide walk-in, walk-out diagnostic and treatment services for people whose care does not require confinement or a hospital stay. Use this code for types of outpatient facilities or services not specified below.

Healthy City Oakland Fund

Oakland, CA


The goal of this organization is to inform the public of health and safety hazards and measures for furthering the early detection, treatment or rehabilitation of people who have an illness, injury or disability.

Convalescent Hospital Card & Visit Association

Auburn, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.

California Public Health Association-Northern Division

San Rafael, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide all forms of support except for financial assistance, fund raising, or patient care services for other organizations within the Health General and Rehabilitative major group area.

West Coast Feminist Health Project

Oakland, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide medical, educational and counseling services which relate to the conception, delivery and care of offspring.

Golden Gate Society Of Health - System Pharmacists

San Francisco, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate twenty-four hour medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses require an overnight stay. Most hospitals also provide a variety of services on an outpatient basis. Use this code for hospitals not specified below.

Northern Alameda County Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Berkeley, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide pre-hospital emergency medical care and rapid transportation to health care facilities.

Mt Shasta Medi-Cal Clinic Inc

Mount Shasta, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate outpatient facilities, many previously known as free clinics, established by the community rather than a hospital which provide basic medical care including physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, nutrition assistance and diagnosis and treatment of common ailments. Services are available on an ability-to-pay basis and target low-income and indigent community residents.

Camp Nelson Ambulance Association Incorporated

Camp Nelson, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide pre-hospital emergency medical care and rapid transportation to health care facilities.

Santa Rosa Health Systems

Santa Rosa, CA


The goal of this organization is to operate multihospital health care systems that have two or more hospitals owned, leased, sponsored, or managed by a central organization. Also includes parent companies of diversified single hospital systems that provide comprehensive management and support services for the hospital.

City Of Hope

Duarte, CA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund-raise for single institutions, multihospital health care systems, and similar diversified health systems comprised of closely-affiliated organizations within the Health Care major group area.

City Of Hope

Duarte, CA


The goal of this organization is to conduct research and/or public policy research within the Health - General and Rehabilitative major group area.

International Association Of Lions Clubs

Daly City, CA


The goal of this organization is to provide equipment, services or other forms of support which are supplemental to the treatment or rehabilitation of people who have illnesses, injuries or disabilities; or which are instrumental in the prevention of illnesses, injuries or disabilities prior to their occurrence.

El Camino Hospital Foundation

Mt View, CA


The goal of this organization is to support and fund-raise for single institutions, multihospital health care systems, and similar diversified health systems comprised of closely-affiliated organizations within the Health Care major group area.

National Society Colonial Dames Xvii Century

Yountville, CA


The goal of this organization is the operation of societies, professional councils, and other organizations that bring together individuals or organizations with a common professional or vocational interest within the Health - General and Rehabilitative major group area.